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Auto Insurance in Florida

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Florida No Fault Insurance Company

As a resident of Florida, you have to be able to show that you can take financial responsibility for any sort of accident your vehicle may be involved in. This doesn't mean that you have to be rich, but rather that you have the proper insurance needed to cover yourself and others in the event an accident occurs. The No Fault Law, as well as the Financial Responsibility Law, are both used in determining state law. So it is imperative you follow the guidelines of operating a vehicle in the sunshine state.

There are a bunch of ways in which you can establish financial responsibility (ie: proof). You could deposit cash with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. In return for this, you could obtain a certificate from the Bureau of Financial Responsibility.

If that is not an option, why not purchase liability insurance from one of the many licensed carriers in the state? It's simple and easy, and you could even do it online if you wanted to. In fact, many people compare free no fault insurance quotes online, before ever signing with one particular provider.

Other ways to prove your case may be to post a surety bond with a state-licensed company or provide evidence of having a net encumbered capital. No matter what route you choose, you will have to obtain insurance or a certificate.

When it comes to driving on the road (or not), if you are the owner of a vehicle with a state license plate, you must have the minimum liability coverage. There is no way around this law either. If you do not want to pay for this, you are required to turn in your license plate in order to legally cancel your insurance. If you choose not to do this and not pay your policy rate, you could face charges.

When it comes to the Responsibility Law, there are a few key points to keep in mind. You have to meet the state's bare minimums for coverage. This includes $20,000 for two or more people in bodily injury liability. It also includes $10,000 for one person's body injury liability and $10,000 for property damage liability.

On the other side of the coin, the Florida No Fault Insurance Law dictates that one must have $10,000 in coverage for damages which do no body harm, but rather for injury protection. The same goes for property damage. It would be a good idea to browse through the different coverage options available to you, before signing on with any company.

Also, on September 1st, 2009, the fee for driver's license went up $21 dollars. It is now at $48 as compared to $27. If you did renew your license under the previous rate, you are good to go. If not, you will have to pay the higher price. It seems like everything is rising in price these days, so it would be best to get the best auto coverage you can, for a low premium if possible.